We need an eye-catching design for our website. The design should be the latest technologies e.g sass, js, and boot stripe 5. The design should be responsive on all devices for example mobile, tablets, laptops, and desktop. If you've any query then please drop a message we'll provide information about website design.
We have specialties from different classifications so I need somebody who can investigate and compose any subject that is accessible. This is a
drawn-out work so this is an open door for those searching for perpetual. composing position. Apply with your experience and will begin from that point.
Cutoff time adherent.
Installments will be made week after week.
Singular Native author or Indian essayist/group.
Articles should be novel, should go through Copyscape, and should be liberated from any syntactic errors.
We pay Rs.80 per 500 words. Apply just if this rate is worthy for you.
An author should finish 5 articles every day.
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Project ID:223
₹500.00 Fixed
Never Expire
₹40.00 Hourly
₹580.00 Fixed
284 Days left
₹20.00 Hourly
₹800.00 Fixed
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